foodpanda Mei 2022 Kod Promo

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Dapatkan Promosi Foodpanda terkini untuk Mei 2022!
Promosi Kod Promo Foodpanda Mei 2022 dari 1 Mei 2022 hingga 31 Mei 2022.

Kod Promosi: PANDABARU
Dapatkan diskaun 45%* pesanan pertama anda di foodpanda
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu sahaja
*Sah untuk sebarang tempahan foodpanda pertama bernilai RM22 dan ke atas. Diskaun maksimum ialah RM10. Sementara stok masih ada
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

PESTAPANDA tersedia sepanjang bulan sekarang, dengan diskaun 40%* untuk pesanan penghantaran makanan.
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk tempahan penghantaran makanan dengan restoran terpilih bernilai RM25 dan ke atas. Diskaun maksimum ialah RM10. Had penebusan harian dikenakan. Sementara stok masih ada
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: PANDAONLY
Dapatkan diskaun 30%* pesanan penghantaran makanan dari semua restoran yang hanya menggunakan foodpanda.
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk tempahan penghantaran makanan dengan semua restoran yang hanya di foodpanda, perbelanjaan minimum RM15, diskaun maksimum RM5. Had penebusan harian dikenakan. Sementara stok masih ada.
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: PANDAVIP
Dapatkan diskaun 30%* pesanan penghantaran makanan dari restoran terpilih yang hanya di foodpanda.
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk pesanan penghantaran makanan dengan restoran terpilih yang hanya di foodpanda, minimum
perbelanjaan ialah RM25, diskaun maksimum ialah RM8. Had penebusan harian dikenakan. Sementara stok masih ada.
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

PICKUPFEST tersedia sepanjang bulan sekarang, dapatkan diskaun 28%* untuk pesanan pengambilan.
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk tempahan pengambilan dengan restoran terpilih bernilai RM25 dan ke atas. Diskaun maksimum ialah RM7. Had penebusan harian dikenakan. Sementara stok masih ada.
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: FREEDEL
Nikmati PENGHANTARAN PERCUMA di restoran terpilih.
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk tempahan penghantaran dengan restoran terpilih bernilai RM25 dan ke atas. Had penebusan harian dikenakan. Sementara stok masih ada.
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: MART20
Nikmati diskaun tambahan 20% untuk semua pesanan pandamart dari cawangan terpilih
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah dengan perbelanjaan minimum RM35. Diskaun maksimum ialah RM8. Kod sah untuk kedai terpilih sahaja. Had penebusan harian dikenakan.
Sah: 6 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: RM5MART
Nikmati potongan RM5 untuk semua tempahan pandamart dari cawangan terpilih
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah dengan perbelanjaan minimum RM40. Kod sah untuk kedai terpilih sahaja. Had penebusan harian dikenakan.
Sah: 6 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: SHOPBESAR
Diskaun RM15 untuk kedai terpilih dengan kod SHOPBESAR
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk tempahan kedai terpilih bernilai RM100 & ke atas setiap pelanggan. Had penebusan harian dikenakan atau selagi stok masih ada.
Sah: 5 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

Kod Promosi: WS10
Diskaun RM10 Watsons dengan kod WS10
Sah untuk: Pelanggan Baharu & Sedia Ada
*Sah untuk semua pesanan Watsons bernilai RM65 & ke atas setiap pelanggan. Had penebusan harian dikenakan atau
sementara stok masih ada.
Sah: 1 – 31 Mei 2022 (atau sementara stok masih ada)

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Save more with these attractive deals!

Pick-up up to 20% offSave on delivery fee, and no waiting time when you choose to self pick-up your orders at the restaurant. Enjoy up to 20% OFF*, plus extra 5% off for pandapro users!
*Discount varies according to restaurant. While stocks last. T&Cs apply.
1 Jan – 31 Dec
(or while stocks last)
New & Existing Customers
Pick-up limited time deal – up to 50% off with selected restaurants from 2pm to 4pm, and 7.30pm to 9.30pmEnjoy more savings up to 50% off when you pick-up your food orders from selected restaurants, from 2pm – 4pm, and 7.30pm to 9.30pm1 Jan – 31 Dec
(or while stocks last)
New & Existing Customers
Enjoy up to 35% off and more on selected restaurantsEnjoy up to 35% OFF and more from selected restaurants No code needed! Enjoy delicious deal(meal) from Domino’s Pizza, Johnny’s Restaurant, Black Canyon,Sushi Ya, Baker’s Cottage and more! Skip the queue and pick-up to enjoy up to 45% OFF!
*Discount and minimum spend varies according to restaurant. T&Cs apply.
1 – 31 December
(or while stocks last)
New & Existing Customers

Save more on your next purchase with our partners’ deals!

RM10 off your #FRIYAYFEAST with PB CardsPBB106 May – 12 Aug
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 206 redemptions every Friday or while stocks last. Valid when you spend RM30 and up with selected Public Bank Debit and Credit Cards
30% off every order with AmBank Visa Credit Card/-i. Valid with a minimum spend of RM30. Maximum discount is RM10.AMB301 May – 28 May
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 254 redemptions every Monday or while stocks last.
RM12 off MOV RM50 for HSBC/HSBC Amanah credit card/-i cardholders only platformwideHSBCRAH21 May – 14 May
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 250 redemptions daily or while stocks last. Capped at 3 redemptons per customer for the campaign period. Exclusively with HSBC Credit Cards
RM10 off MOV RM40 for HSBC/HSBC Amanah credit card/-i cardholders only platformwideSAVEWITHHSBC1 May – 31 May
(or while stocks last)
Capped at 4 redemption per customer and limited to first 2000 total redemptions
RM10 off when you spend RM30 and up using your CIMB Bank debit and credit cards.PDDRM1025 May – 29 May
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 100 customers daily and while stocks last.
RM15 off when you spend RM50 and up using your CIMB Bank debit and credit cards.EIDCIMB11 April – 5 May
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 68 customers from 3-8pm daily and while stocks last.
RM10 off when you spend RM24 and up using your CIMB e Credit CardECREDITCARD28 May only
(or while stocks last)
Limited to 100 customers daily and while stocks last.
RM10 off when you spend RM50 and up using your Standard Chartered Bank Credit CardsSCBMAY101 May – 31 May
(or while stocks last)
Capped at 3 redemption per customer and limited to 600 redemptions or while stocks last. Valid for Standard Chartered Bank credit cards
RM10 off when you spend RM40 and above with Bank Islam Card-iBISLAM1012 April – 2nd May
(or while stocks last)
Capped at 1 redemption per customer and limited to 60 redemptions daily or while stocks last

How can I get a voucher on foodpanda?

We regularly update this page with the latest foodpanda vouchers in Malaysia so check back often! You can also follow us on facebook and instagram where we run heaps of promos and vouchers. And if you haven’t, download our app for exclusive in-app flash deals!
How can I get free foodpanda delivery?

There are three ways to get free delivery in Malaysia: first, check the free delivery listings on this page. You can also use the “free delivery” filter when you search. Or tap Free Delivery on the app restaurant page.
Where is the promo code for foodpanda?

You’ll find promo codes for foodpanda Malaysia on this page and by following us on facebook and instagram. We also feature exclusive promo codes for bank cards and other partnerships.
How to use a voucher on foodpanda?

To use your foodpanda voucher, tap on “do you have a voucher?” on the check-out page and type in your voucher or promo code. If the voucher is valid, you’ll see the discount deducted from your bill.

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